Virtual online forum allows for email in questions to candidates on May 4, 2020 at 7 PM.

Candidates listed below will be present during the Voter's Forum, so you can send your questions in advance using this information on the Beaverton City government website. Please see the links below to reach candidate websites.

2020 Spring Voters’ Forum Invited Candidates for Beaverton Mayor

2020 Spring Voters’ Forum Invited Candidates for Beaverton Council Position 3

2020 Spring Voters’ Forum Invited Candidates for Beaverton Council Position 4

2020 Spring Voters’ Forum Invited Candidates for Washington County Commissioner District 1

Measure 34-298: Adopts New Charter for Beaverton City Government

The Beaverton City Council referred a proposed city charter to Beaverton voters for the May 19, 2020, ballot. If approved, the proposed charter would become operative on January 1, 2021.


Lynn's Recommendations

I use a process of elimination in considering candidates. The first consideration is how easily the candidate makes information available online. In the case that a candidate offers no substantive information online, they should be immediately eliminated.

Beaverton Mayor

Evaluating between Lacey Beaty and Denny Doyle. Cate Arnold went all in on promoting the change in the Beaverton City Government, which is a profound and deep change in government. That in itself is reason enough not to vote for her. However her statement in regards to compensation for the mayor shows a serious lack of business sense. While Denny Doyle has demonstrable experience, I have been informed that this will be his final term in office. This places a limit on his ability to follow through on any changes he might bring about in this term.

Beaverton Council Position 3

Evaluating. Both candidates have invested into our community.

Beaverton Council Position 4

Yes on Allison Tivnon, No on Kate Kristiansen. Kate Kristiansen running for Beaverton Council Position 4 is a non-starter. The only website I could find online for her, other than a Twitter account and a Facebook page, is a page for donations. For this reason alone and that there is only one opposing candidate, I recommend voting for Allison Tivnon. However I do share the same concerns from Ms Tivnon's website concerning the land use focus outlined under the choice for Washington County Commissioner.

Washington County Commissioner District 1

Evaluating. Washington County make the decision to remove the requirement for on-site parking for accessory dwelling units. That is a terrible decision that will result in more traffic problems. Any candidate that isn't willing to stand against pressure from Metro or the State should not be given office. Unfortunately, all candidates, as well as Beaverton Council candidate Allison Tivnon, promote low income housing without providing specifics in how their strategies will impact the lives of present residents.

Measure 34-298: Adopts New Charter for Beaverton City Government

No. This was bad for Beaverton even before COVID-19. There are so many deep, deep changes in this measure that can have unpredictable consequences, and they are unnecessarily combined here. Beaverton voters can evaluate several of these changes individually rather than invite a massive change of government during a health crisis.